Research group

Paula Koskinen Sandberg, Assistant Professor and Academy Research Fellow, is the PI of ADVOCACY. Her multidisciplinary work combines elements of several academic fields that merge into a specific area of research; feminist studies on business-society relations. Her work has covered topics around employment relations, gender equality policy, public sector employment and lobbying. More information on her personal website.
Contact: paula.koskinensandberg(at)
Photo: Aalto University/Jaakko Kahilaniemi

Meri Frig is a postdoctoral researcher specialized in CSR (corporate social responsibility) communication and business-society relations. In the ADVOCACY project her focus is twofold: how firms and other organized interest groups frame issues in political debates and seek to affect public policy; and how political decision-makers discursively determine and delimit, which voices matter in deliberations over employment relations and gender equality policy.
Contact: meri.frig(at)

Anna Maaranen is a postdoctoral researcher interested in changing business – society relations and interactions online, offline, and in between. She has studied social media as an arena for gender relations, algorithmic biases, identity work, and societal debates on geopolitical shifts. In the ADVOCACY project, her key focus is on the changing dynamics of voice and influence in contemporary society which she explores using critical, discursive, and multimodal methods.
Contact: anna.maaranen(at)